Category Archives: roberta

Who Needs a Pair? Free Ticket Graphics

So I pulled a lot of photo albums off the shelf and my old scrap book was nestled in there amongst the mammoth albums.  I loved saving the tickets from concerts I attended.  I still remember my very first music concert: It was Stevie Wonder at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto.  I went with Gail Mandel and 2 other friends.  We had box seats off to the side and it was SO cool.

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I thought it would be cool to make some graphics from my ticket collection, so here they are!
Feel free to download the images for your own use.  Just right click on the image and click ‘Save as’ and then save it onto your own computer:).
I use ACDSee3 to edit my images. 

Here’s a great Travel Theme layout!
Help yourself!!

Thank you for stopping by! ~Robi

Exploding Book Journal

 I haven’t made one of these books in a long time but it was so much fun.  Exploding books are also known as ‘Squash books’, ‘expandable books’…. you name it.
The main point is that they are fun to make, fun to complete and fun to play with.
Think, “Open and shut them, open and shut them”. 

 The flower is made using the bottom of a coffee cup and alcohol inks, then coated with Glossy Accents.

 The explosion begins!

A little ‘behind the scenes’ action:). FYI: The front and back covers are made from beer coasters, covered in paper:)

I hope you enjoyed my book:)  ~Robi

The Renaissance Revisited

In the Zone is always an enjoyable activity for me.  I love preparing for the shows, anticipating what Cynthia Gagen is going to make or demonstrate, and the chit-chat we all have in the ‘room’. Cyn and I are started this webshow in January, and every Monday night is a new adventure ( or EDventure).

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The Renaissance is one of Cyn and my favourite eras in art history.  Cyn had a wonderful demonstration simulating the paint Leonardo da Vinci made for himself and how it applies. Eggshell paint; who knew you needed eggs?

We covered some of the great masters; Michelangelo, da Vinci, Botticelli,  Titian… Their works were very different and each had their own opinion about ‘what was the most important aspect of art’?
Decorables “David”
The Renaissance in fact, covered 200 years.  It was the age of self-awareness and humanity and an age where artists were employed/commissioned/sponsored  by the most powerful families of the time like the Medici and Borgias. 


What I love about Leonardo da Vinci

da Vinci’s success and very essence is summarized by the two words he uttered the most, ” I question…”. He never stopped questioning, exploring, trying, experimenting, failing, revisiting, perfecting… 
He is a polymath; a person with expertise is many different fields.  Who can argue with his abilities when his CV would include: scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, writer, and all-around good guy!
Did you KNOW? Leonardo was a rhymester and loved to sing and rhyme. He was the ‘rapper of the Renaissance’! 🙂
I wanted to create something for this occasion; a nice little project for me to enjoy ‘a little piece of the Renaissance’, so inspired by the dome of St. Peter’s, I began to play.
Here is my completed Project.  The Tutorial will follow in another post.
Thank you for visiting! ~Robi