Category Archives: Glossy Accents

Roberta Recommends – Adhesives Part 2


Adhesives Part 2  

We are still talking about adhesives! I love my adhesives and could devote chapters to the very topic, but this compilation is not meant to be an exhaustive analysis of all crafting tools; just the ones I use and highly recommend.

What’s coming up next?
Some tools I cannot craft without.


Melting Pot Madness – Robi Creates


I blame my friend Gaby for getting me interested in the whole melting-pot thing. I have been experimenting a LOT and so far I haven’t blown up anything or melted anything that I did not intend to melt.

I have been using UTEE and mixing it with various colours of embossing powders, including glittery and chunky: I also added fine gold glitter to the pot.

I have gone from pouring the liquid onto a mat and pressing a stamp into it to pouring molds and creating embellishments and pins! (in just 2 days).

The variations in colour is achieved by any of the following: embossing powder, glitter, and/or alcohol ink applied to the cooled mold.

What did I use? UTEE and a melting pot (Ranger), embossing powders in gold and lavender  fine gold glitter, rubber stamps, Stazon ink, Glossy Accents, Ranger inks

 I think they are so pretty. I find mixing the colours and varying the stamps is very exciting.

embossing powder
works best on non-porous surfaces
UTEE – Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel by Suze Weinberg.

Thanks for stopping by!

I love Martha Stewart Crafters Clay – Part 2


We pick up our story from when I left you to play with more of my Martha Stewart Crafters Clay. I found that it’s pretty hard to ‘overwork’ your clay, but eventually it will not be very happy with you ( if it’s a small piece and been left out for a little while), otherwise I had no problems.
The last time I played with any material like this, it was plasticine and I kept expecting to have to struggle with the blending but it was so easy and I had to keep reminding myself, ‘this is not plasticine’!

I chose a beautiful green bazzil cardstock and used an embossed, mint cardstock to anchor my flowers.  The corners are made with a Martha Stewart Corner Punch. The right edge is cut from a Martha Stewart scallop and dots punch. I drizzled Ranger Glossy Accents to mimic water.

This was my first attempt at hand-rolling flowers. I really enjoyed making them and appreciate the vast room for improvement ahead of me! When the flowers were still wet I attached them to a flower stem, wrapped some remaining clay around to adhere the two, and then once the clay had dried, I then applied the green floral tape to the base of the flower and the entire stem.
So what are you waiting for? Go grab your clay AND PLAY! 🙂

Thanks for stopping by,

Have you heard about mul-tex™? New Craft Product!


Using alcohol inks and my Cuttlebug, I was able to transform a plain sheet
of mul-tex™  into a functional clutch!

Being on the C&T Publishing Creative Troupe has MANY advantages.  One of them is being one of a select few who get to see and experiment with new products before they come to market.

mul-tex™ Craft Pack

Laminated Mulberry Fiber Sheet, 18″ x 1 1/2 Yard Roll

Notice the beautiful design embossed into the material.  I swear there’s nothing I won’t try to run through my Cuttlebug! 🙂

This is what mul-tex™ looks like when you get it. I placed it down on my cutting board, and using the large envelope as my template, I traced and then cut out my working material.

Ranger alcohol inks, Liquitex ink and Glimmermist sprays were applied liberally.

 Embellishments are needed!!!

Once the flowers were attached and glued to the front of the clutch, I added Liquitex glass beads which I coloured, and added Glossy Accents to the petals.  A few added gems (to match the one on the back closure) completed the project.
The material is pliable and very easy to work with. The flower is sitting on some plain mul-tex™ – do you see the fibres?

I loved experimenting and playing with this wonderfully versatile material, and I’m sure you will too!

For more information or to order this wonderful, multi-use textile, visit C&T Publishing
Also, if you are interested in becoming a member of the C&T Creative Troupe, please click HERE for more information.
Thank you for stopping by,

Recycled for Art’s Sake – Cuttlebug to the Rescue


Quiz time:When is an aluminium seal for a tin of coffee capable of soaring miles above the earth?

When it’s a hot air balloon!

Using a ProvoCraft Cuttlebug ‘gears’ folder, I ran my seal through my Cuttlebug and, eventhough I had planned to cut off the pesky little part where you pull it off the can, I was thrilled to discover that THAT was the part making it a balloon!

And voila! My Bon Voyage card created because I drink coffee!

What I Did
For the balloon – Cuttlebug ‘Gears’ folder, aluminium lid, alcohol inks, embroidery floss, postage stamp sticker for basket.
Card stock from DCWV. I ran several Kaleidoscope ink pads along the paper and then used the bicycle stamp I purchased from the $1.50 bin at Michaels.
Sentiment  and bottom border from a kit ( sorry, don’t remember the name).
Adhesive – double-sided tape and Glossy Accents
Rangers distress and Archival Ink (olive) for edges.

Thank you for stopping by!

Paper Cutting with Wallpaper


I have 3 wallpaper sample books and I’m trying to figure out different ways to use the paper.  This card is the first experiment.

The key to this effect is taking your pattern, folding the paper in half, wrong side to wrong side, and then gluing them together.  This way when you roll the paper there will be pattern showing.


Glossy Accents
Glue Dots
Lace ribbon
Michaels stamp 
Martha Stewart Craft Knife

What’s happening on ROBI@NITE June 9th, 2011



Tonight’s episode is going MULTI-MEDIA!!!*
{*Programming note: “Multi-media” is Roberta’s code for when she feels like doing everything and nothing at the same time:)}
I hope you will join me TONIGHT at 11 PM Eastern ( 8 PM Pacific, 9 PM Mountain, 10 PM Central) and here is the link you will need to get into the show CLICK HERE
Here’s your skill-testing question: 
What do the following items have in common;
Glossy Accents
 Liquitex Glass Bead Medium,
 and fabric?
Come and find out!
Of course we will start the evening with our world-famous(not really) SWWYDWT segment!
Come and see what fascinating- but -as- yet- to- be- determined- useful items we will come up with!
Remember that you will be entered into the monthly draw for an AMAZON.COM  gift card if you share an item with us.  Just send me an email to with a picture or two by Wednesday night each week.!!!

Exploding Book Journal

 I haven’t made one of these books in a long time but it was so much fun.  Exploding books are also known as ‘Squash books’, ‘expandable books’…. you name it.
The main point is that they are fun to make, fun to complete and fun to play with.
Think, “Open and shut them, open and shut them”. 

 The flower is made using the bottom of a coffee cup and alcohol inks, then coated with Glossy Accents.

 The explosion begins!

A little ‘behind the scenes’ action:). FYI: The front and back covers are made from beer coasters, covered in paper:)

I hope you enjoyed my book:)  ~Robi

Announcing: SassyLassy Canvas Creations!


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I have been UBER busy — but all in a VERY good way!
For now I would like to share with you the first of a line of canvas-art-with-an-edge (CAE) creations:

 This was SO much fun.
I have to first thank Emily Block, of Stamping Bella for giving me the canvas to work with; Thank you Emilybella!

Ingredients used:

Cindy Coleman Interiors paints in Cobalt, Mint,Peach, and Bisque
Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist Lemon Zest
Dollarama Metal scrapbooking embellishments
copper wire
FIMO Classic  clay 
Magnet word sayings
Dollarama 3D plastic embellishments
Inkssentials Glossy Accents
grunge board
Ranger Tim  Holtz Adirondack Alcohol Inks in Lettuce, Cranberry,Sunshine Yellow, Copper Mixative
Paper Towel
Medical Gauze

 I hope you will join me in following the Adventures of SassyLassy.  So, If you made a SassyLassy, what would YOUR SassyLassy have to say???

Well, I have to fly because I have more posts to make and a demo to prep for the May 23rd episode of In the Zone (9 pm EST ) at !

Robi@Nite Show Summary – What Did I Miss Feb. 10th


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What a great night! Thank you to everyone who came out to watch robi@nite February 10th!  Inspired by some of my vintage jewelery, I featured how to make enamel-look cloisonne.  I am so pleased with the results.
Using silver metal duct tape and various paints, the lovely look of cloisonne can be replicated.
For the live show, I demonstrated how I made the heart.
Supplies used were: Styrofoam heart, metal tape, Cuttlebug embosser,  Love Is In The Air Cuttlebug Embossing Folder, Ranger Adirondack Alcohol Inks, Marvy DecoColor Opaque Paint Markers, Staedtler Triplus fineliners, Pilot Super Color Permanent Ink – Gold, Ranger Glossy Accents.
This is the Embossing Folder I used from the Love Is In The Air set (there were 6 folders in all)
After the show I worked on my demo piece and also found that Bic Sharpies work beautifully as well.
I also shared pieces of my vintage jewelery collection; some pieces dating back to the turn of the 20th century.
Our lucky winner for the night was Zamaluzza – who won a beautiful charm bracelet. Congratulations Zama!!
The theme for next week (February 17) is : Fun In The Sun!
Thank you for stopping by and until we meet again,